Love Story


Falling In Love...

You came as a dream and swept me in an instant…No words can do justice to the way I felt about you. And yet I foolishly try…Happiness, ecstasy, bliss, joy…words will only fall short of the feeling I experienced. I walked on air, I mouthed your name often. You were the inspiration for every word of poetry I wrote. I closed my eyes and you were there before me as I drifted off to sleep, I dreamt about you and I woke up every morning to your thoughts. I was dizzy in love. Was totally hit hard and nothing else mattered. Never once did I think about what was happening, everything that happened, was felt from the heart. Maybe that’s where I went wrong. And also right. I was happy, I smiled more in those two years than I have ever in my life and that truly is a lot.

 One look,

One word,

One touch,

One embrace.

I wait for an eternity for that moment;

To live eternity in a moment.


Falling Out of Love...

It was destined that the moment I lived for was never to come. One shattering moment was all I needed to realize it was never meant to be. From then on it was a painful journey of stepping away and never looking back. The tears came over and over again. The ache in my heart lingered…seemed that the pain would never fade…

During the two blissful years that I was in love, my only prayer was to meet you. And when that did finally come true…I was lost. I could not react. I knew that letting go would help me heal, but little did I know then that that too would come from you. Hearing you talk about your love was truly the first step that began the process of healing. It made me realize that this was how love was meant to be - Whole, complete and most importantly - mutual.


Lessons In Love...

How do I even begin to put in words what I went through…I wouldn’t trade this experience even if I had known how it would end…And that I guess sums up my whole experience…The smiles and the joys are infinitely more precious that the tears I shed. Without the experience, I would not have been the person I am today. It made me, inspired me and taught me everything I know about love today.

I am yet to meet someone like you, but that I know is impossible, because there is truly no one like you. Tomorrow may usher in a new love story, I may or may not meet someone great. I don’t know what destiny has in store for me…Whatever happens, you will always remain in an irreplaceable part of my heart, forever and ever.


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