Love Story
Falling In Love... You came as a dream and swept me in an instant…No words can do justice to the way I felt about you. And yet I foolishly try…Happiness, ecstasy, bliss, joy…words will only fall short of the feeling I experienced. I walked on air, I mouthed your name often. You were the inspiration for every word of poetry I wrote. I closed my eyes and you were there before me as I drifted off to sleep, I dreamt about you and I woke up every morning to your thoughts. I was dizzy in love. Was totally hit hard and nothing else mattered. Never once did I think about what was happening, everything that happened, was felt from the heart. Maybe that’s where I went wrong. And also right. I was happy, I smiled more in those two years than I have ever in my life and that truly is a lot. One look, One word, One touch, One embrace. I wait for an eternity for that moment; To live eternity in a moment. Falling Out of ...