
Love Story

           Falling In Love... You came as a dream and swept me in an instant…No words can do justice to the way I felt about you. And yet I foolishly try…Happiness, ecstasy, bliss, joy…words will only fall short of the feeling I experienced. I walked on air, I mouthed your name often. You were the inspiration for every word of poetry I wrote. I closed my eyes and you were there before me as I drifted off to sleep, I dreamt about you and I woke up every morning to your thoughts. I was dizzy in love. Was totally hit hard and nothing else mattered. Never once did I think about what was happening, everything that happened, was felt from the heart. Maybe that’s where I went wrong. And also right. I was happy, I smiled more in those two years than I have ever in my life and that truly is a lot.   One look, One word, One touch, One embrace. I wait for an eternity for that moment; To live eternity in a moment.   Falling Out of ...

Letting Go And Holding On

  If I were to sum up this year in one word I would choose tumultuous. Looking back on the highs and lows of the year that 2020 was, I penned a little something on letting go an holding on. Sharing it with everyone with the hope that, though tomorrow will come with it’s share of difficulties, complications and heartaches, may we never lose sight of hope. Hope of just enough strength to deal with all of life’s curve balls.   Let go of the pain; hold on to the lessons, Let go of the sorrow; hold on to the tears, Let go of the hurt; hold on to the teachings, Let go of the vacation; hold on to the joy, Let go of the page; hold on to the story, Let go of the class; hold on to the dance, Let go of the character; hold on to the connection.   Let go of the oar; hold on to the expanding horizon, Let go of the failure; hold on to the experience, Let go of the person; hold on to the affection, Let go of the rigidity; hold on to the structure, Let go of ...